

Publication list

Papers in Editorial Journals

  1. Lehmann D, Wackermann J, Michel CM, Koenig T (1993) Space-oriented EEG segmentation reveals changes in brain electric field maps under the influence of a nootropic Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging 50: 275-282.

  2. Michel CM, Pascual-Marqui R, Strik WK, Koenig T, Lehmann D (1995) Frequency domain source localization shows state-dependent diazepam effects in 47-channel EEG. Journal of Neural Transmission - General Section. 99: 157-171.

  3. Koenig T, Lehmann D, (1996) Microstates in language-related brain potential maps show noun-verb differences. Brain and Language 53: 169-182.

  4. Kochi K, Koenig T, Strik WK, Lehmann D (1996) Event-related potential P300 microstate topography during visual one- and two-dimensional tasks in chronic schizophrenics. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 246: 288-296.

  5. Yagyu T, Wackermann J, Kinoshita T, Hirota T, Kochi K, Kondakor I, Koenig T and Lehmann D (1997) Chewing gum flavor affects measures of global complexity of multichannelNeuropsychobiology 35: 46-50.

  6. Kondakor I, Lehmann D, Michel CM, Brandeis D, Kochi K, Koenig K (1997) Prestimulus EEG microstates influence visual event-related potential microstates in field maps with 47 channels. Journal of Neural Transmission 104: 161-173.

  7. Lehmann D, Koenig T (1997) Spatio-temporal dynamics of alpha brain electric fields, and cognitive modes. International Journal of Psychophysiology 26: 99-112.

  8. Kondakor I, Brandeis D, Wackermann J, Kochi K, Koenig T, Frei E, Pascual-Marqui RD, Yagyu T, Lehmann D (1997) Multichannel EEG fields during and without visual input: frequency domain model source locations and dimensional complexities. Neuroscience Letters 226: 49-52.

  9. Yagyu T, Kinoshita T, Hirota T, Kondakor I, Koenig T, Kochi K, Lehmann D (1998) Smell and taste of chewing gum affect frequency domain EEG source localizations. International Journal of Neuroscience 93: 205-216.

  10. Lehmann D, Strik WK, Henggeler B, Koenig T, Koukkou M (1998) Brain electric microstates and momentary conscious mind states as building blocks of spontaneous thinking: I. Visual imagery and abstract thoughts. International Journal of Psychophysiology 29: 1-11.

  11. Koenig T, Kochi K, Lehmann D (1998) Event-related electric microstates of the brain differ between words with visual and abstract meaning. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 106: 535-546.

  12. Saito N, Kuginuki T, Yagyu T, Kinoshita T, Koenig T, Pascual-Marqui RD, Kochi K, Wackermann J, Lehmann D (1998): Global, Regional and Local Measures of Complexity of Multichannel EEG in Acute, Neuroleptic-Naive, First-Break Schizophrenics. Biol. Psychiatry 43: 794-802.

  13. Pizzagalli Koenig T, Regard M, Lehmann D (1998) Faces and emotions: brain electric field sources during covert emotional processing. Neuropsychologia 36: 323-332.

  14. Pizzagalli Koenig T, Regard M, Lehmann D (1999) Affective attitudes to face images associated with intracerebral EEG source location before face viewing. Cognitive Brain Research 7: 371-377.

  15. Pascual-Marqui RD, Lehmann D, Koenig T, Kochi K, Merlo MCG, Hell D, Koukkou M (1999) Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) Functional Imaging in Acute, Neuroleptic-Naive, First-Episode, Productive Schizophrenics. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 9: 969-179.

  16. Koenig T, Lehmann D, Merlo MC, Kochi K, Hell D, Koukkou M (1999) A Deviant EEG Brain Microstate in Acute, Neuroleptic-Naive Schizophrenics at Rest.European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience249: 205-211.

  17. Kondakor I, Michel CM, Wackermann J, Koenig T, Tanaka H, Peuvot J, Lehmann D (1999) Single-dose Piracetam effects on global complexity measures of human spontaneous multichannelInternational Journal of Psychophysiology 34: 81-87.

  18. Pizzagalli D, Lehmann D, Koenig T, Regard M, Pascual-Marqui RD (2000). Face-elicited ERPs and affective attitude: Brain electric microstate and tomography analyses. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 111: 521-531.

  19. Tanaka H, Koenig T, Pascual-Marqui RD, Hirata K, Kochi K, Lehmann D (2000) ERP and EEG measures in Parkinson's disease without and with dementia. Dementia Geriat. Disorder 11: 39-45.

  20. Pizzagalli D, Lehmann D, Gianotti L, Koenig T,  Tanaka H, Wackermann J, Brugger P (2000) Brain Electric Correlates of Strong Belief in Paranormal Phenomena: Intracerebral EEG Source and Regional Omega Complexity Analyses. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 100: 139-154.

  21. Koenig T, Lehmann D, Saito N, Kuginuki T, Kinoshita T, Koukkou M (2001) Decreased Functional Connectivity of EEG Theta-Frequency Activity in First-Episode, Neuroleptic-Naive Patients with Schizophrenia: Preliminary Results. Schizophrenia Research 50: 55-60.

  22. Galderisi S, Bucci P, Mucci A, Bernardo A, Koenig T, Maj M (2001) Brain electrical microstates in subjects with panic disorder. Brain Research Bulletin 54: 427-435.

  23. Koenig T, Marti-Lopez F, Valdes-Sosa P (2001) Topographic time-frequency decomposition of the EEG.Neuroimage 14: 383-390.

  24. Berg D, Herrmann M, Müller TJ, Strik WK, Aranda D, Koenig T, Naumann M, Fallgatter AJ (2001). Cognitive response control in writer's cramp. European Neurology 8: 587-594.

  25. Koenig T, Prichep L, Valdes-Sosa P, Braeker E, Kleinlogel H, Isenhart R, John ER (2002). Millisecond by Millisecond, Year by Year: Normative EEG Microstates and Developmental Stages. NeuroImage 16: 41-48.

  26. Strelets V, Faber PL, Golikova J, Novototsky-Vlasov V, Koenig T, Gianotti LRR, Gruzelier JH, Lehmann, D (2003) Chronic schizophrenics with positive symptomatology have shortened EEG microstate durations. Clinical Neurophysiology. 114: 2043-51.

  27. Marti-Lopez F, Koenig T (2003) Approximating method of frames. Digital Signal Processing. 13: 519-29.

  28. Hubl D, Koenig T, StrikW, Federspiel A, KreisR, Boesch C, Maier SE, Schroth G, Lovblad K, Dierks T (2004) The Pathways That Make the Voices: White Matter Changes in Auditory Hallucinations. Archives of General Psychiatry 61: 658-668.

  29. Mucci A, Galderisi S, Bucci P, Tresca E, Forte A, Koenig T, Maj M (2005) Hemispheric Lateralization Patterns and Psychotic Experiences in Healthy Subjects. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 139: 141-154

  30. Koenig T, Prichep L, Dierks T, Hubl D, Wahlund LO, John ER, Jelic V (2005) Decreased EEG Synchronization in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neurobiology of Aging 26: 165-171.

  31. Muller TJ, Koenig T, Wackermann J, Kalus P, Fallgatter A, Strik W, Lehmann D (2005) Subsecond changes of global brain state in illusory multistable motion perception. J Neural Transm. 112: 565-76.

  32. Lehmann D, Faber PL, Galderisi S, Herrmann WM, Kinoshita T, Koukkou M, Mucci A, Pascual-Marqui RD, Saito N, Wackermann J, Winterer G, Koenig T (2005) EEG microstate duration and syntax in acute, medication-naive, first-episode schizophrenia: a multi-center study. Psychiatry Res. 138: 141-56.

  33. Koenig T, Studer D, Hubl D, Melie L, Strik WK (2005) Brain connectivity at different time-scales measured with EEG. Trans. R. Soc. B 360: 1015-1023.

  34. Studer D, Hoffmann U, Koenig T (2006) From EEG dependency multichannel matching pursuit to sparse topographic EEG decomposition. J Neurosci Methods 153: 261-75.

  35. Stein M. Dierks T, Brandeis D, Wirth M Strik W, Koenig T (2006) Plasticity in the adult language system: A longitudinal electrophysiological study on second language learning. Neuroimage 33: 774-83.

  36. Hubl D, Koenig T, Strik WK, Melie Garcia L Dierks T (2007) Competition for neuronal resources: how hallucinations make themselves heard. J. Psychiatry, 190: 57-62.

  37. Lehmann C, Koenig T, Jelic V, Prichep L, John RE, Wahlund LO, Dodge Y, Dierks T. (2007) Application and comparison of classification algorithms for recognition of Alzheimer's disease in electrical brain activity (EEG) J Neurosci Methods 161: 342-50.

  38. Wirth M, Horn H, Koenig T, Stein M, Federspiel A, Meier B, Michel CM, Strik W (2007) Sex differences in semantic processing: Event-related brain potentials distinguish between lower- and higher-order semantic analysis during word reading. Cerebral Cortex 17: 1987-97.

  39. Kikuchi M, Koenig T, Wada Y, Higashima M, Koshino Y, Strik W, Dierks T (2007) Native EEG and treatment effects in neuroleptic-naïve schizophrenic patients: Time and frequency domain approaches Schizophrenia Research 97: 163-172.

  40. Yoshimura M, Koenig T, Irisawa S, Isotani T, Yamada K, Kikuchi M, Okugawa G, Yagyu T, Kinoshita T, Strik W, Dierks T (2007) A pharmaco-EEG study on antipsychotic drugs in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology 191: 995-1004.

  41. Begre S, Koenig T (2008) Cerebral disconnectivity: An early event in schizophrenia. The Neuroscientist 14:19-45.

  42. Koenig T, Melie-García L, Stein M, Strik W, Lehmann C (2008) Establishing correlations of scalp field maps with other experimental variables using covariance analysis and resampling methods. Clinical Neurophysiology 119: 1262–1270.

  43. Kleinlogel H, Dierks T, Koenig T, Lehmann H, Minder A, Berz R (2008) Effects of Weak Mobile Phone - Electromagnetic Fields (GSM, UMTS) on Well-Being and Resting-EEG. Bioelectromagnetics 29:479-487.

  44. Kleinlogel H, Dierks T, Koenig T, Lehmann H, Minder A, Berz R (2008) Effects of Weak Mobile Phone - Electromagnetic Fields (GSM, UMTS) on Event Related Potentials and Cognitive Functions. Bioelectromagnetics 29:488-497.

  45. Wirth M, Horn H, Koenig T, Razafimandimby A, Stein M, Mueller T, Federspiel A, Meier B, Dierks T, Strik W (2008) The early context effect reflects activity in the temporo-prefrontal semantic system – evidence from electrical neuroimaging of abstract and concrete word reading. Neuroimage 42: 423-436.

  46. Jann K, Wiest R, Hauf M, Meyer K, Boesch C, Mathis J, Schroth G, Dierks T, Koenig T. (2008) BOLD correlates of continuously fluctuating epileptic activity. Neuroimage 42:635-48.

  47. Schumacher R, Wirth M, Perrig WJ, Strik WK, Koenig T (2009) ERP correlates of superordinate category activation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 72: 134-44.

  48. Jann K, Dierks T, Boesch C, Kottlow M, Strik W, Koenig T (2009) BOLD correlates of EEG alpha phase-locking and the fMRI default mode network. Neuroimage, 45:903-16.

  49. Stein M, Federspiel A, Koenig T, Wirth M, Lehmann C, Wiest R, Strik W, Brandeis D, Dierks T (2009) Reduced frontal activation with increasing 2nd language proficiency. Neuropsychologia, 47(13): 2712-20

  50. Lehmann D, Pascual-Marqui RD, Strik WK, Koenig T (2010) Core networks for visual-concrete and abstract thought content: A brain electric microstate analysis. Neuroimage. 49(1): 1073-9

  51. Jann K, Koenig T, Dierks T, Boesch C, Federspiel A (2010)Association of individual resting state EEG alpha frequency and cerebral blood flow. Neuroimage, 51(1): 365-72

  52. Koenig T, Melie-García L (2010) A method to determine the presence of averaged event-related fields using randomization tests. Brain Topography, 23(3): 233-42

  53. Hubl D, Dougoud-Chauvin V, Zeller M, Federspiel A, Boesch C, Strik W, Dierks T, Koenig T (2010) Structural analysis of Heschl's gyrus in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations. Neuropsychobiology, 61(1):1-9.

  54. Jann K, Kottlow M, Dierks T, Boesch C, Koenig T (2010)Topographic electrophysiological signatures of fMRI Resting State Networks. PlosOne, 5(9): e12945.

  55. Kindler J, Hubl D, Strik WK, Dierks T, Koenig T (2011) Resting state EEG in Schizophrenia: Auditory Verbal Hallucinations are related to Shortening of specific Microstates. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122: 1179-1182.

  56. Koenig T, Kottlow M, Stein M, Melie García L (2011) Ragu: A free tool for the analysis of EEG and MEG event-related scalp field data using global randomization statistics. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2011:938925

  57. Kikuchi M, Hashimoto T, Nagasawa T, Hirosawa T, Minabe Y, Yoshimura M, Strik W, Dierks T, Koenig T (2011) Frontal areas contribute to reduced global coordination of resting-state gamma activities in drug-naive patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 130: 187-94.

  58. Pedroni A, Langer N, Koenig T, Allemand M, Jaencke L (2011) Electroencephalographic Topography-Measures of Experienced Utility. Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 10474-80.

  59. Padovani T, Koenig T, Brandeis D, Perrig W (2011) Different brain activities predict retrieval success during emotional and semantic encoding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(12) 4008-21.

  60. Kikuchi M, Koenig T, Munesue T, Kidani T, Hanaoka A, Strik W, Dierks T, Koshinoa Y, Minabea Y (2011) EEG microstate analysis in drug-naive patients with panic disorder. PlosOne, 6(7):e22912.

  61. Brandeis D, Koenig T, Wackermann J (2011) Individual Brain Maturity: From Electrophysiology to fMRI (Letter to the editor) Brain Topography 24: 187-188

  62. Wirth M, Abdel Rahman R, Kuenecke J, Koenig T, Horn H, Sommer W, Dierks T (2011) Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on behaviour and electrophysiology of language production. Neuropsychologia, 49(14): 3989-98.

  63. Grieder M, Crinelli RM, Koenig T, Wahlund LO, Dierks T, Wirth M (2012) Electrophysiological and Behavioral Correlates of Stable Automatic Semantic Retrieval in Aging, Neuropsychologia, 50(1): 160-171.

  64. Stein M, Federspiel A, Koenig T, Wirth M, Strik WK, Wiest R, Brandeis D, Dierks T (2012) Structural plasticity in the language system related to increased second language proficiency. Cortex 48(4):458-65.

  65. Kottlow M, Jann K, Dierks T, Koenig T (2012) Increased phase synchronization during continuous face integration measured simultaneously with EEG and fMRI. Clinical Neurophysiology 123(8):1536-48

  66. Meier N, Perrig W, Koenig T (2012) Neurophysiological correlates of delinquent behaviour in adult subjects with ADHD. International Journal of Psychophysiology 84(1):1-16

  67. Hauf M, Jann K, Schindler K, Scheidegger O, Meyer K, Mariani L, Mathis J, Schroth G, Dierks T, Koenig T, Wiest R (2012) Localizing seizure onset zones in presurgical evaluation of drug-resistant epilepsy by EEG/fMRI: effectiveness of alternative thresholding strategies. Amercian Journal of Neuroradiology, 33(9):1818-24

  68. Eckstein D, Koenig T, Wyss M, Perrig WJ (2012) Monitoring the Time Course of Perception without Awareness: A Comparison of Mirror Masked Words and Nonwords. Human Cognitive Neurophysiology, 5(1): 1-21.

  69. Hollenstein M, Koenig T, Kubat M, Blaser D, Perrig WJ (2012) Non-conscious word processing in a mirror-masking paradigm causing attentional distraction: An ERP-study. Consciousness and Cognition 21(1):353-65.

  70. Ford J, Dierks T, Fisher D, Hermann C, Hubl D, Kindler J, Koenig T, Mathalon D, Spencer K, Strik W, van Lutterveld R (2012) Neurophysiological Studies of Auditory Hallucinations. Schizophrenia Bulletin 38(4):715-23

  71. Jann K, Federspiel A, Andreotti J, Giezendanner S, Kottlow M, Dierks T, Koenig T (2012) Linking brain connectivity across different time scales with EEG, fMRI and DTI. Brain Connectivity 2(1):11-20

  72. Mikutta C, Altorfer A, Strik W, Koenig T (2012) Emotions, arousal, and frontal alpha rhythm asymmetry during Beethoven’s 5th Brain Topography 25:423-430.

  73. Michels L, Lüchinger R, Koenig T, Martin E, Brandeis D (2012) Developmental changes of BOLD signal correlations with global human EEG power and synchronization during working memory. PlosOne 7(7):e39447

  74. Ruch S, Markes, O, Duss SB, Oppliger D, Reber T, Koenig T, Mathis J, Roth C, Henke K (2012) Sleep stage II contributes to the consolidation of declarative memories. Neuropsychologia 50(10):2389-96

  75. Koenig T, van Swam C, Dierks T, Hubl D (2012) Is gamma band EEG synchronization reduced during auditory driving in schizophrenia patients with auditory verbal hallucinations? Schizophrenia Research 141(2-3):266-70

  76. Nishida K, Morishima Y, Yoshimura M, Isotani T, Irisawa S, Jann K, Dierks T, Strik W, Kinoshita T, Koenig T (2013) EEG microstates associated with salience and frontoparietal networks in frontotemporal dementia, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(6):1106-1114.

  77. Scheidegger O, Wiest R, Jann K, Koenig T, Meyer K, Hauf M (2013) Epileptogenic Developmental Venous Anomaly: Insights From Simultaneous EEG/fMRI. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 40:157-160.

  78. Rey-Mermet A, Koenig T, Meier B (2013) The bivalency effect represents an interference-triggered adjustment of cognitive control: an ERP study. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(3):575-583.

  79. Grieder M, Crinelli RM, Jann K, Federspiel A, Wirth M, Koenig T, Stein M, LO Wahlund LO, Dierks T (2013) Correlation between topographic N400 anomalies and reduced cerebral blood flow in the anterior temporal lobes of patients with dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 36(4): 711-31.

  80. Stein M, Egenolf Y, Dierks T, Caspar F, Koenig T (2013) A Neurophysiological Signature of Motivational Incongruence: EEG changes related to insufficient goal satisfaction. International Journal of Psychopysiology, 89(1):1-8.

  81. Oelhafen S, Nikolaidis A, Padovani T, Blaser D, Koenig, Perrig TJ (2013) Increased parietal activity after training of interference control. Neuropsychologia, 51(13) 2781-2790.

  82. Razavi N, Jann K, Koenig T, Kottlow M, Hauf M, Strik W, Dierks T (2013) Shifted coupling of EEG driving frequencies and fMRI resting state networks in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. PlosONE, 8(10):e76604

  83. Egenolf Y, Stein M, Koenig T, Grosse Holtforth M, Dierks T, Caspar F (2013) Tracking the implicit self using event related potential. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(4): 885-99

  84. Padovani T, Koenig T, Eckstein D, Perrig W (2013) Sustained and transient attentional processes modulate neural predictors of memory encoding in consecutive time periods. Brain and Behavior, 3(4): 464-75

  85. Koenig T, Stein M, Grieder M, Kottlow M (2014) A tutorial on data-driven methods for statistically assessing ERP topographies. Brain Topography, 27(1):72-83.

  86. Hubl D, Schneider R, Kottlow M, Kindler J, Strik W, Dierks T, Koenig T (2014) Agency and ownership are independent components of ‘Sensing the Self’ in the auditory-verbal domain. Brain Topography, 27(5): 672-82.

  87. Mikutta C, Maissen G, Altorfer A, Strik W, Koenig T (2014) Professional musicians listen differently to music. Neuroscience, 30: 102-11.

  88. Meier B, Matter S, Baumann B, Walter S, Koenig T (2014) From episodic to habitual prospective memory: ERP-evidence for a linear transition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00489.

  89. Ruch S, Koenig T, Mathis J, Roth C, Henke K (2014) Word encoding during sleep is suggested by correlations between word-evoked up-states and post-sleep semantic priming. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01319

  90. Meier NM, Perrig W, Koenig T (2014) Is excessive EEG beta activity associated with delinquent behavior in adult men with ADHD symptomatology? Neuropsychobiology, 70(4): 210-219

  91. Nishida K, Razavi N, Jann K, Yoshimura M, Dierks T, Kinoshita T, Koenig T (2015) Integrating different aspects of resting brain activity: A review of EEG signatures in fMRI Resting State Networks. Neuropsychobiology, 71(1): 6-16.

  92. Kottlow M, Schlaepfer A, Baenninger A, Michels L, Brandeis D, Koenig T (2015) Pre-stimulus BOLD-network activation modulates EEG spectral activity during working memory retention. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9:111

  93. Antonova I, Bänninger A, Dierks T, Griskova-Bulanova I, Koenig T, Kohler A (2015) Differential recruitment of brain networks during visuospatial and color processing: evidence from ERP microstates. Neuroscience, 305:128-138.

  94. Cantisani A, Koenig T, Horn H, Müller T, Strik W, Walther S (2015) Psychomotor retardation is linked to frontal alpha asymmetry in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 188: 167-172.

  95. Schwab S, Koenig T, Morishima Y, Dierks T, Federspiel A, Jann K (2015) Discovering frequency sensitive thalamic nuclei from EEG microstate informed resting state fMRI. Neuroimage 118: 368-75.

  96. Studer-Eichenberger E, Studer-Eichenberger F, Koenig T (2016) Statistical Learning, Syllable Processing, and Speech Production in Healthy Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Preschool Children: A Mismatch Negativity Study. Ear Hearing 37(1):e57-71

  97. Klein C, Diaz Hernàndez L, Koenig T, Kottlow M, Elmer S, Jäncke L (2016) The influence of pre-stimulus EEG activity on reaction time during a verbal Sternberg. Brain Topography, 29(1):67-81.

  98. Milz P, Faber PL, Lehmann D, Koenig T, Kochi K, Pascual-Marqui RD (2016) The functional significance of EEG microstates – associations with modalities of thinking. Neuroimage, 125:643-56

  99. Koenig T, Brandeis D (2016) Inappropriate assumptions about EEG state changes and their impact on the quantification of EEG state dynamics (Letter to the editor). Neuroimage, 125:1104-6

  100. Diaz Hernandez L, Heri K, Bänninger A, Brandeis D, Koenig T (2016) Towards using microstate-neurofeedback for the treatment of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. A feasibility study in healthy participants. Brain Topography, 29(2):308-21.

  101. Cantisani A, Koenig T, Stegmayer K, Federspiel A, Horn H, Müller TJ, Wiest R, Strik W, Walther S (2016) EEG marker of inhibitory brain activity correlates with resting-state cerebral blood flow in the reward system in major depression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 266(8):755-764.

  102. Grieder M, Koenig T, Kinoshita T, Utsunomiya K, Wahlund LO, Dierks T, Nishida K (2016) Discovering EEG resting state abnormality in semantic dementia. Clinical Neurophysiology 127(5): 2175-81.

  103. Schiller B, Gianotti LRR, Baumgartner T, Nash K, Koenig T, Knoch D (2016) Clocking the social mind – Identifying mental processes in the IAT with electrical neuroimaging PNAS 113(10):2786-91

  104. Antonova I, van Swam C, Hubl D, Dierks T, Griskova-Bulanova I, Koenig T (2016) Reaction time in a visual 4-choice reaction time task: ERP effects of motor preparation and hemispheric involvement. Brain Topography 29(4):491-505

  105. Rieger K, Diaz Hernandez L, Baenninger A, Koenig T (2016) 15 years of microstate research in schizophrenia – where are we? A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7:22

  106. Baenninger A, Diaz Hernandez L, Rieger K, Ford JM, Kottlow M, Koenig T (2016) Inefficient preparatory fMRI-BOLD network activations predict working memory dysfunctions in patients with schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7:29

  107. Bühler T, Kindler J, Schneider RC, Strik W, Dierks T, Hubl T, Koenig T (2016) Disturbances of agency and ownership in schizophrenia - an auditory verbal event related potentials study. Brain Topography, 29(5): 716-27

  108. Griskova-Bulanova I, Hubl D, van Swam C, Dierks T, Koenig T (2016) Early- and late-latency gamma auditory steady-state response in schizophrenia during closed eyes: Does hallucination status matter? Clin Neurophysiol. 127(5):2214-21

  109. Koenig T, Diaz-Hernandez L, Rieger K (2016) Quantitative EEG in schizophrenia: Current state and future direction. Epileptologie 33: 183-188.

  110. Achermann P, Rusterholz T, Dürr R, Koenig T, Tarokh L (2016) Global field synchronization reveals rapid eye movement sleep as most synchronized brain state in the human EEG. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160201

  111. Diaz Hernandez L, Rieger K, Koenig T (2016) Low Motivational Incongruence predicts successful EEG resting-state neurofeedback in healthy adults. Neuroscience, 30695-9

  112. Pipinis E, Melynyte S, Koenig T, Jarutyte Lina, Linkenkaer-Hansen K, Ruksenas O, Griskova-Bulanova I (2017) Association Between Resting-State Microstates and Ratings on the Amsterdam Resting-State Questionnaire. Brain Topography, 30: 245-248

  113. Baenninger A, Palzes VA, Roach BJ, Mathalon DH, Ford JM, Koenig T (2017) Abnormal coupling between DMN and delta and beta band EEG in psychotic patients. Brain Connectivity, 7(1): 34-44

  114. Pedroni A, Gianotti LRR, Koenig T, Lehmann D, Faber P, Knoch P (2017) Temporal characteristics of EEG microstates mediate trial-by-trial risk taking. Brain Topography, 30(1)149-159

  115. Rusterholz T, Achermann P, Dürr R, Koenig T, Tarokh L (2017) Global field synchronization in gamma range of the sleep EEG tracks sleep depth: Artifact introduced by a rectangular analysis window. J Neurosci Methods 284:21-26

  116. Tüshaus L, Omlin X, O’Gorman Tuura R, Federspiel A, Luechinger R, Staempfli P, Koenig T, Achermann P (2017) In human non-REM sleep, more slow-wave activity leads to less blood flow in the prefrontal cortex. Scientific Report 7(1): 14993

  117. Rohde KB, Caspar F, Koenig T, Pascual-Leone A, Stein M (2018) Neurophysiological traces of interpersonal pain: How emotional autobiographical memories affect event-related potentials. Emotion 18(2):290-303.

  118. Rieger K, Rarra MH, Moor N, Diaz Hernandez L, Baenninger L, Razavi N, Dierks T, Hubl D, Koenig T (2018) Neurofeedback-Based Enhancement of Single Trial Auditory Evoked Potentials: Feasibility in Healthy Subjects. In press in Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 49(2): 79-92

  119. Stein M, Fey W, Koenig, Oehy J, Moggi F (2018) Context-Specific Inhibition is Related to Craving in Alcohol Use Disorders: A Dangerous Imbalance. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.42: 69-80

  120. Michel CM, Koenig T (2018) EEG microstates as a tool for studying the temporal dynamics of whole-brain neuronal networks: A review. 180(Pt B):577-593.

  121. Koenig T, Valdés-Sosa P (2018) Results obtained by combining different estimators of EEG connectivity become uninterpretable if the underlying models are incompatible. Brain Connectivity. 8(2):57-59

  122. Rieger K, Rarra MH, Diaz Hernandez L, Hubl D, Koenig T (in press) Neurofeedback-based enhancement of single-trial auditory evoked potentials: treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia. In press in Clinical EEG & Neuroscience

  123. Smailovic U, Koenig T, Kåreholt I, Andersson T, Kramberger MG, Winblad B, Jelic V(2018) Quantitative EEG power and synchronization correlate with Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers Neurobiology of Aging 63: 88-95

  124. Griskova-Bulanova I, Pipinis E, Voicikas A, Koenig T (2018) Global field synchronization of 40 Hz auditory steady-state response: Does it change with attentional demands? Neuroscience Letters 674:127-131

  125. Giordano GM. Koenig T, Mucci A, Vignapiano A, Amodio A, Di Lorenzo G, Siracusano A, Bellomo A, Altamura M, Monteleone P, Pompili M, Galderisi S, Maj M (2018) Neurophysiological correlates of Avolition-apathy in schizophrenia: A resting-EEG microstates study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 20, pp. 627-636. 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.08.031



Koenig T (1995) Brain electric microstates and the processing of language. ETH Dissertation Nr. 11153.



Electrical Neuroimaging. Edited by Christoph M. Michel, Thomas Koenig, Daniel Brandeis, Lorena R. R. Gianotti and Jiří Wackermann. Cambridge University press, 2009.


Papers in Books

1) Heine A, Roth N, Koenig T, Knye M (1994) Effects of auditory priming and word frequency upon ERP and task performance during word recognition. In: Heinze HJ, Münte TF, Mangun GR (eds.) New Developments in Event-Related Potentials. Birkhäuser, Boston, pp. 61-70.

2) Lehmann D, Kochi K. Koenig T, Koukkou M, Michel CM, Strik WK (1995) Microstates of the brain electric field and momentary mind states. In: Eiselt M, Zwiener U, Witte H (eds.) Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis. Universitätsverlag Meier, Jena.

3) Pizzagalli D, Koenig T, Regard M, Lehmann D (1996) Event-related potential fields and general affective style. In: Witte H, Zwiener U, Schack B, Doering A (eds.) Quantitative and Topological EEG and MEG Analysis. Universitätsverlag Meier, Jena, pp 467-470.

4) Koenig T, Hubl D, Mueller TJ (2002) Decomposing the EEG in Time, Space and Frequency: A Formal Model, Existing Methods, and New Proposals. In: Hirata K (ed.) International Congress Series 318 1232. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 317-321.

5) Strik WK, Koenig T. (2004) Spatial Analysis of ERP and EEG Data in Schizophrenia. In: Lawrie S, Johnstone E, Weinberger D (eds.) Schizophrenia: from Neuroimaging to Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, New York, pp349-362.

6) Hubl D, Koenig T, Strik W, Dierks T (2008) Halluzinationen – Psychologie. In Kircher T, Gauggel S (eds) Neuropsychologie der Schizophrenie. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 393-411.

7) Koenig T, Tomescu MI, Rihs TA, Koukkou M (2017) EEG Indices of Cortical Network Formation and their Relevance fot Studying Variance in Subjective Experience and Behavior. In Philippu A (ed) In Vivo Neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology. Springer Science+Business, New York

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